Viz Ticker User Guide
Version 3.1 | Published May 27, 2020 ©
About Viz Ticker
Viz Ticker is an advanced ticker system that makes it possible to build creative and compelling graphic tickers with total flexibility. The system supports multiple clients for content insertion and control. Input can be manually entered, or automatically generated from various feeds; for example news feeds, databases, or the Internet.
With Viz Ticker, multiple graphical elements with various speed can be displayed simultaneously. The elements can include animated text, images, and so on. The real-time aspect of Viz Ticker takes the elements directly, with no delay, from content editing to air.
Viz Ticker has features that are not usually included in ticker products, for example:
Ticker elements can trigger events when entering a scrolling ticker. An event may be the start of an animation, or the display of pre-defined text or graphic objects positioned anywhere on the screen. Stock price movements can generate up or down markers, voting results can render 3D charts, and so on.
The system has multi-render support and can be set up to feed several multiple output channels from one message carousel. Multiple clients can control a shared ticker message pool, as well as performing on-air control.
This section contains information on the following topics: