Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.5 | Published December 16, 2019 ©
Object Store Search Options
The search panel consists of two tabs: Still Search and Person Search. The tabs can be enabled or disabled through the Object Store Settings window.
Still searches are used for image and image information searches. Person search is used for person information and related image and image information searches. Both searches will search for related information on the Viz Pilot database.
When searching for an image or person, it is possible to double-click a search result item to preview and view the metadata in the corresponding information tab. Any linked image and person information is also available by selecting the respective information tab.
The Context Menus available in the results pane can be used to sort, filter and delete images and person information.
Still Search
Still searches are performed in two ways. A standard search consists of a search criteria and an optional selected keyword from the Keyword drop-list, while an advanced search can refine the search by narrowing the hits down to certain dates, multiple keywords, location and custom made additional fields.
Standard Search
The standard still search contains a combo box, a check box, and a drop-list. The first search field searches the image Description, Country and City and the person’s first and last name. The Keyword drop-list sets a selected keyword that searches the Image information Keywords field.
Tip: Right-click to open the context menu and sort the search results.
Advanced Search
As with Standard search, Advanced search is capable of doing simple searches. In addition, searches can be refined by using more than one search criteria.
Keyword: Use multiple keywords for a more precise search with an unlimited number of keywords selected.
Country and City: Country and City corresponds to the drop-down list and text field used when registering Image information.
Dates: Clicking on the arrow opens a calendar where dates can be selected. There are two check boxes for dates for searches based on dates in three different ways.
If only the first check box is selected, a search will be made for images from the selected date to the present date.
If only the second check box is selected, a search will be made for images from before the selected date.
By selecting both check boxes, a search will be made for images within the selected dates.
Must have all keywords: Select this option to show hits that contain all the selected keywords.
Portraits only: Set the search to only search for images set as portraits linked to a person (see Person Information).
Additional fields: Adds customized additional fields with the option of adding a search criteria. Clicking Add adds the customized search to the standard search field.
The additional fields search criteria entered in the example above is appended to the existing search criteria.
Stills with Key
Still images with a key/alpha channel will be tagged with a K in the upper right corner.
See Also
Person Search
The following fields in the Person information panel are used in Person search: First name, Middle name and Last name.
Searching for a person works the same way as a Standard Search. The only difference is that results are presented as a list of persons that match the search criteria.
When clicking a list item, all images linked to that person are shown. Double-clicking a list item opens the Person Information panel. Double-clicking any of the images opens the Image Information panel related to the image.
Context Menus
All search options have context menus with options for sorting, deleting person or image, and restoring deleted images from the bin.
Sort by name: Sorts by name in ascending alphabetical order.
Reversed sort by name: Sorts by name in descending alphabetical order.
Sort by registration date: Sorts by registration date in ascending order.
Reversed sort by registration date: Sorts by registration date in descending order.
Sort by modification date: Sorts by modification date in ascending order.
Reversed sort by modification date: Sorts by modification date in descending order.
Note: Search result are ordered in ascending (a,b,c) or descending (c,b,a) alphabetical order.
Delete, Purge and Restore
Caution: Deleting person information is permanent. Images linked to a person are permanently deleted. It is not possible to restore images and information.
Person Search:
Delete person(s): Permanently deletes persons from the database. See Delete person information.
Still Search: Searches for still images.
Put in bin: Puts selected stills into the bin.
Empty bin: Purges all previously deleted stills from the database and shared file server.
Restore All: Restores all stills from the bin.
Delete selected from bin: Purges selected stills from the database and shared file server.
Restore Selected: Restores selected stills from the bin.
Note: If a password is set, enter a valid password to confirm the deletion of images.
Note: The delete and restore options cannot be used with Viz One instances.