Viz Engine Administrator Guide
Version 3.14 | Published March 10, 2021 ©
Matrox DSX LE3 Series
Viz Engine supports the Matrox DSX LE series, versions 3 and 4. The DSX LE series cards were initially introduced as an entry level video card, for installations where no compositor is required. It has since been expanded with some card models that also feature a compositor less feature-rich and advanced than those found on the X.mio series cards.
The main features of the DSX LE series video boards are:
The DSX LE4 is a passively cooled video card featuring HD-BNC connectors and video clip playback capabilities
The DSX LE3/**/100 does not have video clip playback capabilities. To play video clips (SD and HD) as Texture, upgrade from 100 to 500, or 550 to include support for Apple ProRes.
The standard Matrox DSX LE3 does not provide DVE capabilities or other high-end features, such as frame synchronizers on the input or advanced failsafe capabilities.
On Boards with no on-board compositor, the software compositor is activated by default. The output of the fill signal differs between the software compositor and the hardware compositor. Although the results are the same when looking at them after a keyer, to get the desired result, set the flag use_compositor in the configuration file to 0.
This section describes the following information:
Cables and Connectors
The connectors for DSX LE3 are:
PCIe board compliant to PCIe 2.0 in x8 or x16 slot.
x4 SDI video outputs in SD and HD.
x16 Embedded Audio I/O Channels per SDI Stream.
The board comes with an additional card and break-out cables for AES audio. Fill and key signals as well as reference signals, or Genlock, have their own BNC connectors. The board should be installed in the same slot as the X.mio2/2 Plus board, and uses the same driver versions as Matrox X.mio2/2 Plus.
Breakout Cables and Connectors
The DSX LE3 come with a set of breakout cables, and thus do not require any breakout box.
The breakout cable is used for the reference signal, or Genlock, and AES output. Fill and key signals have their own BNC connectors. Both boards should be installed in the same slot as the X.mio2/2Plus board. The DSX-series video cards only support embedded audio, and do not support audio-extension cards for AES input.
Video Cable Assignment
Matrox DSX LE4, LE3 and DSX LE2/CG all have HD capabilities. The DSX.LE3 has four video output connectors.
The four video output connectors for the DSX.LE3 gives you two pairs of fill and key, where output A and B are Fill and output C and D are Key, respectively.
Audio Cable Assignment
AES Input Cable Assignment
Card |
Viz Audio Config |
AES Cable |
Matrox Video Channel |
2 tracks |
Not supported |
4 tracks |
Not supported |
8 tracks |
Not supported |
16 tracks |
Not supported |
AES Output Cable Assignment
Card |
Viz Audio Config |
AES Cable |
Matrox Video Channel |
2 tracks |
AES OUT 1/2 |
Video Out 0 |
4 tracks |
AES OUT 1/2+3/4 |
Video Out 0 |
8 tracks |
AES OUT 1/2+3/4+5/6+7/8 |
Video Out 0 |
16 tracks |
Not supported |
Embedded Input
Card/Viz Audio Config |
2 tracks |
4 tracks |
8 tracks |
16 tracks |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Embedded Output
Card/Viz Audio Config |
2 tracks |
4 tracks |
8 tracks |
16 tracks |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |