Viz Artist Release Notes
Version 3.13 | Published March 28, 2019 ©
Viz Artist 3.13.0
Release Date: 2019-03-28
These are the release notes for Viz Artist version 3.13.0. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been done to the software since release 3.12.0.
Note: Viz Engine maintains its release notes in a separate document starting from version 3.12.0.
Installer Notes
The Software ships with a bundle installer containing all necessary components. It is recommended to use the bundle installer when setup needs to be done manually.
To run Viz Artist in a virtual hosted environment, the Codemeter Runtime library must be installed. The Bundle installer automatically installs all necessary libraries.
Visual C++ Redistributable files and the Hardlock Dongle driver are not part of the msi-setup file anymore. These files are now installed with the bundle setup application. (VIZENG-13210, VIZENG-12629, VIZENG-12701)
The new bundle setup application installs or upgrades Viz Artist together with its required Visual C++ Redistributable files. (VIZENG-12936, VIZENG-13804)
All files contained in the bundle setup application can be extracted using the /dump commandline option. This creates a sub-folder where the files are extracted. (VIZENG-13020)
Multiple installations of Viz Artist are not supported.
The installer automatically upgrades (replaces) any existing Viz Artist 3.6.x/3.7.x installation. However, downgrading is currently not supported. (VIZENG-7098)
The installer package is digitally signed. (VIZENG-7378)
The user account must have SeCreateGlobalPrivilege (SE_CREATE_GLOBAL_NAME) enabled.
This software has been tested to run on the following systems:
Windows Server 2008 R2/SP1 (64-bit), Server 2016, Server 2012 R2
Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update) (64-bit)
Note: Only English Operating System(s) are supported.
It is recommended to install the latest Windows Security Updates and Patches, except Nvidia and Hardlock updates.
Windows 7/10/Server 2016 or Windows Server 2012 R2/SP1 is required, Windows XP is no longer supported.
NET framework 4.5 or higher is required. (VIZENG-6036)
Minimum Windows Installer version is now 5.0.0 (released with Windows Server 2008 R2 and later and Windows 7 and later.) (VIZENG-10146)
In case of error 0xc000007b on Windows 7 system, the update KB2999226 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49093) must be installed.
To run Viz Artist/Viz Engine without Administrator privileges you need to grant the following permissions:
Windows 10
Network shares are not accessible from within Viz Artist when UAC is enabled or when running on Windows 10. The page Local Settings in Viz Configuration has been extended for enabling Network drive linking. (VIZENG-15594, VIZENG-15319)
Viz version 3.13.0 is UAC aware. Configuration-files, profiles, log-files and additional files are stored in %VIZ_PROGRAMDATA%, which defaults to %ProgramData%\vizrt\viz3. Temporary data is stored in %VIZ_TEMPDATA% which defaults to %TMP%\vizrt\Viz3. The default value can be changed in viz.cmd or on the command line of viz.exe.
Starting Viz Artist shows a UAC popup for VizStarter.exe. (VIZENG-8683)
Upgrade Notes
Viz Artist is now started by the Engine process and not by command file anymore. If you start viz.exe and VizGui.exe independently, the Restart Current option fails.
Known Issues
Maximum of GDI handles (which are necessary to show icons from Graphic Hub and Archive) can exceed. Windows default is set to 10000. It is recommended to increase this value from hexadecimal "2710" to "FFFF" in the registry.
For 32-bit and 64-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows\\GDIProcessHandleQuota
Additional key for 64-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows\\GDIProcessHandleQuota
Viz One Browser: When the Viz One Browser window gets minimized (either using the minimize button in the window bar, or WIN+D to hide all windows on the desktop), it can only be brought back to the screen by using the Restore and Maximize entries in the context menu of the window in the windows taskbar.
Viz One Browser: The preview of clip elements in the Viz One Browser doesn't show the content correctly anymore when the browser window is moved to another display (e.g. second screen). The application must be restarted to bring back the clip preview.
Windows 10
If the Windows render scaling factor is set to be higher than 100% (for UHD monitor resolutions) it might happen that the render window is not shown. Setting back the scaling factor to 100% resolves this issue.
Right clicking on the Taskbar icon of Viz Engine starts a new instance. Starting an additional Viz Gui process is prevented on Windows 10.
Documentation for both Viz Engine and Viz Artist is available at the Vizrt Documentation Center:
Installation and Support
The installation wizard guides you through the installation process. Make sure to close any running Viz application, including a local database, prior to the installation. To run Viz Artist or Viz Engine independent of a database server, you need to install the Viz Graphic Hub database software locally.
Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.