Pilot Data Server Release Notes
Version PDS-8.4 | Published April 23, 2020 ©
Pilot Data Server Release Notes
Pilot Data Server 8.4.0
Release Date: 2019-12-10
These are the release notes for Viz Pilot Data Server 8.4.0. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been done to the software since release 8.3.1. This release supports search improvements in Pilot Edge.
System Requirements
One of the following operating systems (supported as long as they have support from their own manufacturer):
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Visual C++ 2013 redistributable:
As Pilot Database, either of:
Graphic Hub 3.0.2 or higher with Graphic Hub REST 2.0.2 or higher
Oracle 11g or higher with schema version 8.0.0 or higher
Recommended versions of other related products:
Viz Pilot 8.4
Preview Server 4.3
Changes and Improvements
Graphic element and template search from Pilot Edge is much faster. (PDS-385, PDS-392, VPE-2634)
Made it possible to disable (hide) concepts using the Rest interface of the server. This change supports a coming Template Builder feature. (VCP-7598)
Added OpenSearch for templates. (PDS-328)
Atom Category elements describing template tags no longer have an internal ID as their term, but the actual tag instead. (PDS-314)
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue with displaying special characters (such as & and ") in Pilot Edge text fields. (VPE-2960)
Changed the way graphic element thumbnail URLs are generated to prevent client applications like Pilot Edge from displaying outdated thumbnails. (PDS-410)
Known Issues
Documentation for Viz Pilot Data Server is available at the Vizrt Documentation Center:
Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.