Accessing Datacenter

The Datacenter runs automatically as a service on the host machine. It automatically starts on Windows startup, and its status can be monitored in Task Manager > Services > VizrtDataCenter.

While the service is always running in the background, the main user interface can be opened by navigating, using a browser on the same machine hosting the service, to one of the following addresses:

  • This address is always available, regardless of the service mode configured (see HTTPS Certificate configuration). 

  • This address is only available if a valid HTTPS certificate has been configured (see HTTPS Certificate configuration).

If Datacenter is correctly configured to run an HTTPS backend that listens to all network interfaces, then the user interface is also reachable from:

  • https://<host-machine-ip>:5701, where <host-machine-ip> is the public facing IP of the host machine. This mode allows you to reach and monitor Datacenter from all of the machines in the same network.

Info: The Admin page is only accessible when the Datacenter user interface is reached using the localhost address option.